Sunday 14 August 2011

Flew to China

Yah so, we've arrived in Beijing!  I'm sitting in our hotel room here which is actually pretty luxurious.  Except that it doesn't have a window . . .

We will be in Beijing for two weeks before jumping on a bullet train down to Tianjin, our home for the next year.  Our timetable for the next fortnight is packed full of TEFL training, Mandarin classes and classroom practice.  I'm not too sure how ready I am for training from 9 to 5 but we also have some excursions planned in the evenings and at the weekend so that will give us something to look forward to.

So far we have ventured out into the local neighbourhood for a couple of meals.   Both experiences were a bit special but we ended up getting what we asked for (mainly by pointing at photos/dishes), eating some delicious food and paying very little money.  They won't even accept tipping! 

The locals all seem very nice and there hasn't been too much staring yet.  The language barrier is HUGE but hopefully it will get easier with time.  Weatherwise, it is quite humid and hot but it is not unbearable.  Supposedly there will be a few thunderstorms over the next couple of days.

I've met a few of the other ELAs but tonight we'll all be together for the first time so that should be fun.  We've also got an 'Opening Ceremony' so I'll let you know how that goes.

Travel time: 19 hours - London to Beijing
Dinner cost:  £2 inc beer
Dialogue used: qing geiwo sibei pijiu (four beers please)

1 comment:

  1. Dude, this is awesome. Adding to my favourites as we speak.

    I've always said how much I liked the chinese... a country that charges you £2 for a meal and then refuses a tip is alright by me.

    Pictures please!!
