Saturday 20 August 2011

An intensive TEFL course

Wowsers, this week has been pretty busy.  We've had 6 hours of TEFL training from 9 - 5.15 everyday plus some homework to get on with too.  None of it has been particularly challenging, but there is a lot to take in and think about when planning lessons.  On Friday we had our exam so fingers crossed we pass.  Because if we don't, we're going home . . . Not really, I think we get an opportunity to retake. Lunch and evenings have been spent getting to know everyone in the group.  All the people who are going to Tianjin with us are lovely so that's a massive plus.  Everyone else has been great too.  It's nice to have so many of us here but it's going to be really weird when we all go our separate ways.  There really are very few Western faces around.

Chinese food innit.
Sleep was an issue over the first few nights.  I would lie awake until 3 or 4 am before nodding off.  That was pretty frustrating but the last couple of nights have been a lot better so hopefully I can just put it down to jetlag.

The Chinese love their food, but it is safe to say that my stomach doesn't.  I think it's going to take a bit of time to get used to it.  I'm ashamed to admit that I have already caved in and been to McDonalds AND Pizza Hut.  They were both relatively expensive but totally worth it. 
Jake @ Pizza Hut.
The weather has improved from the first few days.  The sun has been out and although it has been very hot, the humidity has definitely dropped.  The Chinese people hide from the sun as they prefer to have fair skin (which is why most make-up here contains whitener).  Obviously the Brits have all been out in the sun trying to get a tan.
Sarah on the road outside our hotel.  Buses, cars, bikes and people everywhere.

Another post to follow shortly covering our first night out and some touristy stuff!

Culture Shock:  Loud spitting on the street
Dinner cost:  £6 for a lasagne and two beers at Pizza Hut.
Dialogue used:  cesuo zai nar? (Where are the toilets?)

1 comment:

  1. At least it's not Cesuo zhi zai nar - which is my attempt at where's the bog roll

    That food looks so good
